So, you are thinking about brewing your own beer but you don’t know where to start. Help is on the way! The first place to start is online checking out and comparing beer making kits. These kits come in many different price ranges and some include a lot of accessories, but some of these accessories you will be able to find in your own home (like a measuring cup and a wooden spoon) so carefully check out all the information before you make a purchase.
Beer making kits come complete with written and/or video instructions that will make it so easy for you to get started. Here is a list of the essential items you will need:
• a fermenting bucket with a lid
• a bottling bucket with a spigot
• an airlock
• sanitizer
• bottles
All beer making kits will come with a fermenting bucket and lid. After you boil the ingredients that come with your kit, you will pour the liquid into this bucket. Make sure that the lid seals tightly and has a hole to insert an airlock.
A bottling bucket makes it easy to pour your beer once it has fermented as it will come with a spigot.
An airlock is made of clear acrylic or glass. This device allows carbon dioxide to escape and keeps the outside air from entering the bottle.
Beer making kits will include a sanitizer and you should use this to completely clean all the equipment that will come in contact with your beer. This includes cleaning all dust, dirt and stains.
Bottles are the glass bottles and lids that are included with your kit. The sanitizer that comes with your kit should also be used on these bottles.
Beer making kits will make it easy and fun to brew your beer at home. And to top it off, you will have the ability to make the beer exactly how you like it. What could be better than that?